Online Gambling's Impact on Mental Health

Online Gambling's Impact on Mental Health

The definition of gambling is "risking something, notably money, on an occasion with an unknown result with the intention of obtaining more substantial commodities and or money."OneSports betting has evolved into a particular kind of gambling over time. However, placing bets on sports during live games is a relatively new practice. Now, a number of bookmakers provide betting on the results of team sports, in contrast to the past when one could only physically place a bet on the outcome of a horse (or greyhound) race. .

love for sports such as football, basketball, horse racing and card games has reached impressive levels. This craze has opened up possibilities for gaming activities in various forms. Online gambling sites provide a platform for people to place bets, both on local football matches and other types of games.

Gambling is basically an act that is contrary to religious, moral, ethical and legal norms. These activities can alsonegatively impact certain aspects of a person's mental health and economic stability. However, today we see anincrease in the number and variety of forms of play in everyday life, both overt and covert 

Online soccer games played by teenagers often start out as a harmless form of fun and entertainment, aimed atenhancing the excitement of watching soccer, basketball or even playing cards. However, overtime, this activity can become a detrimental habit or even become an addiction in search of long-term financial gain. Teenagers'participation in gaming activities is not only limited to internet cafes, but can also be done at home, at meeting placesand even via their smartphone. 

Many different game models in online gambling have emerged, including win-lose-
draw betting systems, point guessing, drawing guessing, and handicap betting. However, researchers found thatteenagers tend to like mixed bets because with a small initial capital, they have the potential to make large profits

Seeing this phenomenon, researchers want to conduct an in-depth study to better understand why online gambling is increasingly popular among teenagers 

With a deeper understanding, it is hoped thatappropriate preventive and intervention steps can be taken to overcome the negative impact of online gambling on the
mental health and economic stability of the younger generation in the area 

Materials and Methods
This research uses a naturalistic qualitative approach. A qualitative approach was used because this research aims to understand the influence of online gambling on the mental health of teenagers, namely how teenagers 

Banten can get to know online gambling. A qualitative approach allows researchers to explore
and understand the impact and influence of online gambling on the mental health of teenagers in this environment.The unit of analysis or research subject is the teenagers  is affected by onlinegambling. 

The selection of informants in this study used snowballing or snowball sampling techniques. This technique involves informant recommendations from previous informants, and the number of informants is unlimited.
This is done to ensure that the data obtained covers various points of view and their experiences with onlinegambling.

The research approach used is a naturalistic qualitative approach based on phenomenology. This approach aims to capture and interpret human behavior from the actor's own perspective. Phenomenological research focuses on human experiences in everyday life, with the belief that truth will be revealed through a deep understanding of individualinteractions and experiences. 

This approach allows researchers to explore the views, values and actions of adolescents in the context of the influence of online gambling on mental health.

Research and Discussion
The research results show that there is a significant correlation between online gambling activities and the mental health of teenagers in the area. Teenagers who engage in online gambling tend to exhibit higher levels of stress and
anxiety compared to those who do not engage in such activities.

In addition, this research also found that online gambling can have a negative impact on aspects of mental health such as levels of depression, decreased sleep quality, and increased levels of social anxiety. These findings indicate the importance of increasing awareness about the risks of online gambling and developing intervention strategies that can help adolescents manage the psychological distress associated with this activity.

This research makes an important contribution to our understanding of the impact of online gambling on the mental health of adolescents , and provides a strong basis for the development of prevention and intervention programs that can help protect their psychological well-being.

Negative Influence on Mental Health:
The results of this research not only present scientific findings, but also have major implications in improving the quality of life and welfare of migrant students living in urban environments. Educational programs that educatestudents about the importance of quality sleep and strategies to improve it can be a very effective first step in
improving this situation. Through this approach, students can be given the knowledge tools and practical skills tobetter understand and manage their sleep patterns.

Additionally, it is also important to expand students' access to resources that help them manage stress and adopt
overall healthy living practices. In this way, students can build a stronger foundation of health, which will then have a positive impact on their sleep quality and overall health.

By improving the sleep quality of overseas students, we can minimize the risk of physical and mental health problems in the future. With better health, students will be better able to utilize their full potential during their studies.
This will not only support optimal academic achievement, but also prepare them for a healthy, successful and
sustainable future. Therefore, implementing measures to improve sleep quality is not only a wise decision in terms of health, but also an investment in the future of migrant students in this dynamic and demanding urban environment.

Correlation with Impulsive Behavior
The finding that there is a positive correlation between online gambling activities and impulsive behavior provides
important insight into the close relationship between gambling practices and impulsive decision making. Teenagers
who engage in online gambling tend to make decisions without considering the long-term consequences. This can
impact various aspects of their daily lives, including social relationships, academics, and finances.

High levels of impulsivity in teenagers involved in online gambling raise serious concerns for their overall well-
being. Online gambling practices often lead them into a cycle of uncontrolled behavior, where bets are made
impulsively without considering the consequences. These concerns can extend to various aspects of their daily lives.
In the context of social relationships, impulsive behavior associated with online gambling can interfere with interactions with peers and family members. 

Adolescents may engage in self-isolation or increased conflict as a result
of their impulsive gambling decisions. Healthy social activities and the formation of positive relationships can be
affected, causing long-term impacts on their social well-being.

On the academic side, impulsive decisions in online gambling can affect school performance. Teenagers may have
difficulty maintaining focus on their studies and meeting their academic demands. This can lead to lowered grades
and limited educational opportunities, having a negative impact on their educational future.

Apart from that, financial aspects are also affected by impulsive behavior in online gambling. Teenagers who do
not consider the long-term consequences of their betting can experience serious financial difficulties. Regularly losing
money in gambling activities can have significant economic consequences, both for themselves and for their families.
By understanding the positive correlation between online gambling activity and impulsive behavior, we can take
steps to protect teens from these risks. Education regarding wise decision making and managing impulsivity can be an
important component of prevention efforts. Additionally, social support and professional interventions can help teens
develop skills to overcome their impulsivity and make better decisions for their future.

Implications for Intervention and Prevention
The results of this research provide a strong foundation for the development of intervention and prevention
programs. These efforts should be focused on two main areas. First, increase youth awareness about the risks andconsequences of online gambling. Second, it provides strategies and skills for managing stress, anxiety, and impulsivebehavior. These programs can be integrated into school curricula and delivered in communities to achieve broader impact.

Developing intervention and prevention programs based on the results of this research is an important step in
protecting the mental health and well-being of adolescents. The main aim of these programs is to address the two
main aspects that have been identified.
First, there is a need to increase awareness among the younger generation about the risks and consequences of
playing online games. Appropriate and detailed information regarding the negative impacts of online gaming must be
provided in a clear and accessible manner to the younger generation. Awareness campaigns, workshops and educational materials should be designed to convey strong messages about the dangers of online gambling.

 This can be done through collaboration with schools, youth organizations and other social organizations to ensure that these messages reach target audiences effectively.

Second, providing strategies and skills to manage stress, anxiety, and impulsive behavior is another important
aspect. These programs should be designed to provide youth with the tools necessary to overcome the psychological
distress that can arise from online gaming activities. These include relaxation techniques, wise decision-making skills,
and impulse management strategies. This approach can be implemented through psychosocial skills training and
support from a qualified counselor or therapist.

Integrating these programs into school curricula and disseminating them to the community will ensure wider reach
and greater impact. Schools can play an important role in providing education about the risks of online gambling,
while communities can provide a safe place where young people can learn and practice stress management and
gambling decision-making skills. Collaboration between schools, families, and community organizations will also
increase the effectiveness of these programs.


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